Wow--congratulations on so much excellent work and the 1500 subscribers! I’m looking forward to your Deathly Hallows essay because I have very much enjoyed your previous Harry Potter reviews.
Congrats! I hope to emulate your success. Really curious how the essay collection books will work cause Im thinking of doing smth similar with my essays.
Thats defly one thing Im hoping to do! Would you have any advice on utilizing images eg from the movies or scripts in such a case? Is it better to remove them from the essays entirely?
Since I'm just writing about books, I can most likely get away without using any images inside the book. For something like the Matrix, where the visuals of a scene may be very important for your argument, I'm sure there are ways to use it without getting in trouble.
And, honestly, one way to do it may be just to do it and hope no one cares!
Wow--congratulations on so much excellent work and the 1500 subscribers! I’m looking forward to your Deathly Hallows essay because I have very much enjoyed your previous Harry Potter reviews.
It's gonna be real good!
All good things!!! I remember you sending me Noir: A Love Story to read back in 2011 ! I may need to re-read that and Ash Cinema next year...
Man, that is a long time ago! I was in Korea, I think!
Congrats! I hope to emulate your success. Really curious how the essay collection books will work cause Im thinking of doing smth similar with my essays.
I think having an obvious thematic connection,like your Matrix essays, is the way to do it.
Thats defly one thing Im hoping to do! Would you have any advice on utilizing images eg from the movies or scripts in such a case? Is it better to remove them from the essays entirely?
That I do not have a good answer for.
Since I'm just writing about books, I can most likely get away without using any images inside the book. For something like the Matrix, where the visuals of a scene may be very important for your argument, I'm sure there are ways to use it without getting in trouble.
And, honestly, one way to do it may be just to do it and hope no one cares!
This is a huge milestone, man. You should be proud! And thanks for the shoutout!
Congrats on meeting a surpassing your goals, creating a great body of work while connecting with others, and lots to look forward to!!
Congrats! Thanks for sharing your progress.