"So many thoughts, in fact, that I pitched1 a book to Boss Fight Books about this game. Though I felt I was born to write this dang book, they disagreed"

Sounds familiar. I say, write the damn book anyway!

Great essay (as always) about a great game. It was my first RPG all those years ago. I replayed it recently. Thankfully, it holds up very well.

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Not a bad idea!

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I never played this game for the very reasons you put forth--I was saving up for the N64. But Paper Mario on N64 was amazing, and it also had those in-combat mechanics. Never knew Nintendo introduced that idea, but it makes sense. They can't touch a genre without innovating something brilliant on top of it.

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OMG I remember how much I LOVED this game! Thanks for the trip down nostalgia lane!

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It's truly one of a kind!

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I love this! SMRPG has always been one of my favorite, most cherished games (this, alongside Chrono Trigger, are probably the foundational games of my young, forming consciousness). And playing SMRPG with my friend in his basement on long summer days, exploring and laughing, is a core childhood nostalgia. And, like you, I always loved villains in games, and so was deeply satisfied to get Bowser on my team (and Magus, in Chrono Trigger).

Thanks for this great reminiscing.

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Chrono Trigger is so good! I'm playing it with my son right now

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It's definitely my #1 favorite game. I can't say "the best", but as far as a game holding a special place in my heart and soul, it's #1.

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Chrono Trigger holds up so well, too. Which is not the case for a lot of old RPGs, especially if you never want to grind in a game again.

But it really is exquisitely paced.

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